Talk to Our Team

As we celebrate our four-year anniversary, Acclinate stands at the forefront of a crucial revolution in healthcare—empowering communities of color to take control of their health. By pioneering this initiative, we've set the stage for these communities to actively engage in and influence health outcomes. A critical aspect of this empowerment is our focus on increasing their representation in clinical trials and ensuring that medical research and treatments are as diverse as the populations they aim to serve. This approach not only broadens our impact but also charts a path toward a more inclusive future in healthcare.

Innovations like e-DICT and NOWINCLUDED haven't just been technological breakthroughs, they've been our commitment to communities historically overlooked in healthcare narratives. These platforms have bridged gaps, bringing voices from communities of color into the heart of medical research and decision-making.

In just four years, Acclinate's groundbreaking technology has won the trust of half of the top 10 pharmaceutical giants. Collaborations with titans like Merck and recognition through the Anthem Awards for diversity and inclusion have all been steps towards a more inclusive healthcare ecosystem. Each milestone not only propelled us forward but also validated the necessity of our mission.

Del Smith, CEO and Co-founder, reflects on our journey with pride, stating, "Innovation and collaboration have been our guiding stars. Our pursuit for equity in healthcare is relentless, and every challenge faced has been an opportunity to innovate and push boundaries further." 

Tiffany Whitlow, Co-founder and CDO, echoes this sentiment, “Every step forward is a step closer to a healthcare system that truly serves everyone equally.”

Celebrating our four-year milestone at Acclinate highlights not just our achievements but also our contribution to revolutionizing healthcare equity. This moment is a vivid reminder of our team's resilience, determination, and capacity for innovation. Surpassing the four-year mark in an industry as challenging as ours underscores the vital role we play in the healthcare sector and the unwavering support from our community and partners. It's a testament to the meaningful impact of our work and the bright future ahead‍

We invite you to join us in celebrating this significant milestone and to follow our journey as we continue to make history. Here's to many more years of pioneering, innovation, and making health equity a standard, not just a goal.‍

Acclinate Team Photo

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